About Us

The Superpana Story

Chino and Vanessa had grown up in families that cherished the tradition of baking, and one particular delicacy had always held a special place in their hearts—sourdough bread. The tangy aroma, the crusty exterior, and the soft, chewy interior fascinated them. They believed that this artisanal bread had the power to bridge cultures and connect people through the joy of food.

Determined to pursue their dreams, Chino and Vanessa decided to embark on a journey together. With a small bag filled with sourdough starter, they bid farewell to their loved ones and set off on a path of adventure and self-discovery.

Getting Started

Their first stop was the bustling city of Miami, Florida. Here, they encountered a vibrant community of food enthusiasts who were eager to explore new flavors. Chino quickly found a restaurant willing to give him a chance. Armed with sourdough starter and a whole lot of passion, he set to work, kneading, shaping, and baking their bread with love and precision.

Planting Roots

Motivated by their desire to expand their horizons and share their love for sourdough bread, Chino and Vanessa decided to take a leap of faith and move to the vibrant city of Atlanta. They had heard stories of its diverse culinary scene and thriving food culture, and they believed that it was the perfect place to establish their own bakery.

Upon their arrival in Atlanta, Chino and Vanessa were greeted with open arms by a community of food enthusiasts and fellow bakers. They found a market in a bustling neighborhood, where they could turn their baking dreams into reality. 

Word quickly spread about the extraordinary bread emerging from Chino and Vanessa’s bakery. Their sourdough bread became a sensation, drawing crowds from all over Atlanta. The community embraced them wholeheartedly, not just for their culinary skills but also for the warmth and passion they brought to their craft.